Find Your Place In Canmore Alberta

Financing for International Purchasers

Standard Requirements For Non-Residents

Information required:


Customer Name
Address, length of time at address and phone numbers.
Occupancy Status: Rent, Own, Live with Parents etc.
Dates of birth.
Social Insurance Number (Canadian), National Insurance Number (UK)
Marital Status and number of dependents.

Employment Information:

Name of Employer, address and phone number.
Gross Monthly income
Length of Employment


Residence (please also state value)
Vehicles (make, model, year and value.)
Investments (Company held with and value)
Bank accounts (with who and amount on deposit)
Any thing else owned by client and considered to have value. Ex: Boat, rental etc.
Mortgage (amount owing, with whom and payment.
Loans. (With whom, amount owing and payments.)
Credit cards. (With whom, limits and amount owing.)
Amount of Property taxes, Condo Fees etc.


Meet with Jessica Stoner to draw up offer to purchase. Initial down payment required.
Meet with Mortgage Broker to process mortgage application.
Mortgage approval obtained.
Appraisal of property ordered by lender.
You waive conditions on offer to purchase.
You set up bank account in Canada (this has to be done in person) and contacts Lawyer.
You forwards remainder of down payment to Lawyer and arranges signing of documents.
You takes possession of property.

(Jessica Stoner of RE/MAX Alpine Realty is a licensed agent in Alberta and represents International clients purchasing real estate in Canmore)